IPL/ Photofacial for Beginners

Hi welcome to Pure Luxe Medical!
We are excited you are interested in the IPL/ Photofacial treatment. It is a great treatment for brown spots, facial veins and rosacea. We hope the following will provide helpful information about IPL/Photofacial and choosing us as your medical provider!
Here at Pure Luxe Medical, the IPL/ Photofacial is one of our most popular treatments. We see patients everyday for their IPL treatment and they are loving their results. Some patients are in their early thirties and have a few brown spots and we have patients in their sixties who have a significant amount of brown spots on their face, neck and chest.
The key here is to start a treatment plan to prevent future damage and reverse the signs of aging, sun damage and brown spots.
The following are patient’s main questions and concerns when they give us a call:
Do I need a consultation? Can it be performed the same day?
Yes, you do need a consultation with a medical provider to make sure you are a candidate for the IPL treatment. Once the medical provider confirms you are a candidate, the IPL treatment can be performed afterwards.
Who isn’t a candidate for the IPL treatment?
The medical provider will go over your medical history to make sure you are a candidate. Patients who aren’t candidates for the IPl treatment are patients who have melasma. IPL can make the melasma worse. The medical provider will provide another alternative such as medical grade chemical peels and medical grade products from ZO Skin Health and iS Clinical.
Other Contradictions include:
- Pregnancy
- Bacterial or viral infection
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Impaired immune system and poor healing
- Accutane within the past 12 months
- Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Melanoma, Irregular Pigmentation, Psoriasis
- Extensive radiation therapy
- History of cancer within past 5 years
- Melasma is hormonal, it may get better or it may get worse following the IPL
Do I need to prepare for the IPL?
Yes! We recommend no direct sunlight for two weeks before and after treatment. This is recommended because suntanned skin will increase the possibility for negative side effects. In addition, no photosensitive antibiotics taken up to 1 week prior to treatment.
How long is the treatment?
Treatment will depend on numbing time. Typically patients numb for 30 minutes and then the IPL treatment will be 30 minutes afterwards. Some patients opt out of numbing since they’ve done the treatment before because they have a high pain tolerance. Others require 45 minutes of numbing since they don’t have a high pain tolerance and require the max numbing time.
How many treatments will I need?
This is a great question! The nurse practitioner will have to access your skin and provide the best medical recommendation. It typically requires a series of 4 to 6 treatments to see significant improvement and get the desired results.
How long is the down time?
There is no social downtime but your skin may be pink to red with coffee-ground marks for about 5 to 10 days. You can usually cover this up with make-up. We recommend no special events 2-3 weeks after the procedure to allow the skin to heal completely. We recommend a medical grade Post Procedure Kit by iS Clinical that will help with the healing process. Most patients experience microcrusting, which we call “coffee grounds” that flake off over the course of one to two weeks.
What are the risks?
Risks include:
- Redness or swelling of the skin. A slight "sunburned" sensation is normal and usually lasts up to several hours.
- Sun sensitivity in the treated area. Avoid the sun and use sun block with at least a 30 SPF.
- Skin sensitivity The skin may be more sensitive for a few days following treatment, and you should avoid shaving, rubbing or scratching for at least 24 Avoid use of buff puffs or scrubs for at least 48 hours.
If you are ready to schedule your appointment or have any additional questions please call 424.277.1642 or email info@pureluxemedical.com. For your convenience, you can request your appointment online at https://www.pureluxemedical.com/schedule.
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve the results you are looking for and deserve!
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